HENKE-JECT Einmal-Spritzen 2 (3) ml, 2-tlg., steril (100 Stck.) (PACK=100 STÜCK)

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5,35 € Preis zzgl. gesetzl. USt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferbar in 9-15 Werktagen 
✔ ökoLOGISCH Sparen und Umwelt schonen* ✔ * Größere Mengen sparen Geld und CO2 durch weniger Versandaufwand


The 2-part standard syringe: - extremely easy running and absolutely leak-proof - crystal clear cylinder and easy to read scale - with a second brake ring at the bottom of the cylinder, which significantly increases the resistance to separate piston and cylinder - latex and silicone oil free - Piston made of polyethylene, cylinder made of polypropylene - Luer attachment


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